Effects of rocket exhaust products in the thermosphere and ionsphere

Autor: J. Zinn, C. D. Sutherland, M. B. Pongratz
Rok vydání: 1980
Popis: This report reviews the current state of understanding of the problem of ionospheric F-layer depletions produced by chemical effects of the exhaust gases from large rockets, with particular emphasis on the Heavy Lift Launch Vehicles (HLLV) proposed for use in the construction of solar power satellites. Also included, for verification of the computer model, is a computation of the effects of the Skylab I launch, for which experimental data exist. Launch plans for the HLLV call for orbital injection at 100- to 120-km altitude, and confinement of the main engine exhaust emissions to below 120 km. However, the exhaust products diffuse gradually upward to the ionospheric F-layer, where they react chemically with 0/sup +/ ions, leading to the removal of ionization and causing a steady production of H atoms. The ion removal will lead to predictable consequences for HF communications systems and unpredictable effects on global weather. The number of H atoms produced per launch is about one-sixth of the normal total thermospheric H atom inventory. Detailed model computations of HLLV exhaust effects are described in this report.
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