The Foundations of Future Psychology

Autor: John B. Laird
Rok vydání: 1923
Zdroj: Nature. 112:356-357
ISSN: 1476-4687
Popis: “IN these principles, then, we must venture to hope J_ that the so long missing genuinely' scientific foundation for psychology has at last been supplied, so that it can henceforward take its due place along with the other solidly founded sciences, even physics itself. In particular, these principles (together with commentaries upon them) appear to furnish both the proper framework for all general text-books and also the guiding inspiration for all experimental labours.” The Nature of “Intelligence” and the Principles of Cognition. By Prof. C. Spearman. Pp. viii + 358. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1923.) 15s. net.
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