Constraining the degassing processes of Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico: A vesicle size distribution and glass geochemistry study

Autor: Julie Roberge, J.K. Cross, Dougal A. Jerram
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. :81-95
ISSN: 0377-0273
Popis: The explosive activity of Popocatepetl Volcano is a threat to the surrounding densely populated areas and it is therefore important to recognize indicators of change in eruptive style (explosive to dome building) within a short period of time. In this study we present results of vesicle size distributions (VSDs) and compositional analysis of matrix glass from juvenile clasts from five of the main plinian eruptions of Popocatepetl (ca. 23–1.2 ka), the 2001 small eruption during partial dome collapse and four eruptions during 1997 (May 11th and June 14th, 15th and 30th). Major element analysis of matrix glass (WDS-EPMA) allows the estimation of the depth from which the erupted magma went into disequilibrium (between crystals and melt), by calculating the equilibrium pressure using the quartz–albite–orthoclase ternary system of Blundy and Cashman (2001). Quantitative interpretation of texture in juvenile (pumice or scoria) clasts via VSD analysis using CSD software was used to link physical changes experienced by magma during ascent, with conditions responsible for eruptions. The extent and style of vesiculation in juvenile clasts is also related to eruption style and duration and has specifically allowed the recognition of changes in vesicular texture that represent variations from explosive to dome building activity (Mangan and Sisson, 2000; Adams et al., 2006). This study highlights a more complicated story in terms of magma storage, than that previously accepted for the Popocatepetl volcanic system and is an important contribution to ongoing research at the volcano.
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