Robust Servomechanism Problem

Autor: Edward J. Davison, Daniel E. Miller, Amir G. Aghdam
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Decentralized Control of Large-Scale Systems ISBN: 9781441960139
Popis: In this chapter, a technique is presented to design a compensator for an LTI system to solve the robust servomechanism problem in both centralized and decentralized forms. Robust servomechanism problem is a fundamental problem in control theory, where the objective is to design a controller so that the output signal tracks a reference input and rejects a disturbance input with no steady-state error when the parameters of the system are subject to change. It is assumed that the reference and disturbance inputs can be expressed as a combination of exponentials which are not decaying. This includes sinusoidal signals, ramp signals as well as constant signals (which are commonly used test signals in control). The structure of the controller in both centralized and decentralized forms depends on the characteristics of the reference and disturbance signals.
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