GEBCO-NF Alumni Team Technology Solution for Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE Final Round

Autor: Rochelle Wigley, H. Sade, Wetherbee Dorshow, Mohamed Elsaied, Yulia Zarayskaya, Craig Wallace, E. Bazhenova, Ben Simpson, T. Ketter, Karolina Zwolak, Aileen Bohan, Jaya Roperez, Neil Tinmouth, Masanao Sumiyoshi, Ivan Ryzhov, Alison A. Proctor, Stian Michael Kristoffersen, Seeboruth Sattiabaruth
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: OCEANS 2019 - Marseille.
Popis: The GEBCO-NF Alumni Team is one of the five teams who completed the final round of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE challenge. This international team is made up of industry experts, advisors from within the GEBCO community and broader ocean community and is led by alumni from the Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Graduate Certificate Ocean Mapping Training Program at the Centre for Coastal and Ocean Mapping / Joint Hydrographic Center (CCOM/JHC) of the University of New Hampshire. The Team is distinguished by its extraordinary diversity with a global distribution of representatives from academic institutions, offshore survey and technology industries, academia as well as national hydrographic offices. The alumni worked closely with partners such as Hushcraft Ltd., Ocean Floor Geophysics Inc., Earth Analytic and Teledyne CARIS as well as equipment supplier Kongsberg Maritime AS to develop and advance the Team concept created for the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE. The project was established and supervised at the University of New Hampshire.The Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE competition aimed to push the boundaries of ocean technologies by creating solutions to the grand challenge of mapping our ocean floor. The competition requirements had to be met within a short timeline of approximately one year per round. The Round 2 final field test was to demonstrate a complete system that could map 250 km2 in 24 hours to produce a grid with 5 m cell size and at least 10 images of the sea floor. Operations had to be remotely coordinated from a land-based operation center. The entire mapping system had to fit into a standard 40-foot shipping container.The aim of the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team has been to leverage existing technology, wherever possible, and to integrate them to achieve the competition requirements. The strategic approach is to develop strong partnerships with technology and services providers to augment the hardware, integration and software needs of the Team.The GEBCO-NF Alumni Team conceived a two-system, Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Remote-controlled or Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), concept to autonomously map the seafloor in a wide variety of ocean environments. Autonomous seafloor surveys, with remote AUV launch and recovery (human-in-the-loop) and with the USV autonomously tracking the AUV for a complete survey mission while being monitored from a remote shore station, were demonstrated to be a viable option for future offshore survey and inspection projects during Round 1.SEA-KIT, the Team’s USV, is an innovative new vessel that allows for autonomous management of AUV deployment and retrieval. In addition, the capability of being a stand-alone mapping platform was demonstrated during the competition using Kongsberg Maritime’s deep-water multibeam sonar EM304 mounted on the gondola below SEA-KIT.The Kongsberg Maritime HUGIN AUV was used for this competition to execute the underwater operations. The Team was confident that competition criteria could be met by overcoming the surface challenges of delivering an AUV to a deep-water location for mapping, coupled to the proven abilities of the HUGIN.During Round 2 Field Test, the team demonstrated automated and remote processing using a cloud-based hosting environment. End users (judges) were able to consume the GEBCO-NF Alumni Team information rapidly and efficiently.The technology, processes and procedures developed for this project are a big step towards larger scale implementation of these concepts. This development of new and innovative technologies that increase the efficiency of seafloor mapping is the Team’s contribution towards helping meet the ambitious goals of the Nippon Foundation—GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project.
Databáze: OpenAIRE