Autor: Mirta Marre, Rosa María Bustos, Jorge Chambouleyron
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 15:235-246
ISSN: 0168-6291
DOI: 10.1023/a:1012746520120
Popis: The functioning of 19 Users' Associations(UA's) in the Tunuyan region was evaluatedon the basis of an 85-questionquestionnaire and related interviews. The collectedinformation indicates that the management know-how of the UA'sis not appropriate for the new tasks involved in managing thelarger command areas(average 4000 ha). For a UA to be able tomaintain and modernize the irrigationsystem, sufficient funds must be available.For this to occur, the fee collection ratiomust be as high as practical. In thiscontext we conclude that an up-to-datewater users register is needed to chargethe actual user with the correct fee. Participation of farmers in the UAdecreases sharply with increase infarm size. Some of the contacts betweenfarmers and the UA are related to farmerknowledge of on-farm irrigation technology.Strangely, no formal training for on-farmirrigation is available in the region. TheUA's should join forces in providingextension to the farmers. This could reducethe number of reported conflicts(misunderstandings) between the UA and, inparticular, the small (and relatively lowskilled) farmers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE