Telepresence: teleproctored surgery

Autor: T.K. Kuyn, L.J. Peters, D.P. Birkmire-Peters, M.R. Holtel, L.P.A. Burgess
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings Pacific Medical Technology Symposium-PACMEDTek. Transcending Time, Distance and Structural Barriers (Cat. No.98EX211).
DOI: 10.1109/pacmed.1998.769949
Popis: Teleproctoring provides guidance and support to distant colleagues while performing operative techniques. We present a study to assess the reliability of teleproctored surgery and to develop standards and guidelines for future teleproctored procedures. Endoscopic sinus surgery is performed with conventional proctoring and teleproctoring in a residency program, and the results are compared. The severity of diseases is controlled and usability issues and clinical outcomes are compared between groups. Our preliminary results indicate equal operative times and no increase in complications.
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