Dynamic clamping human and rabbit atrial calcium current: narrowing I CaL window abolishes early afterdepolarizations

Autor: Godfrey L. Smith, Sarah Kettlewell, Priyanka Saxena, Antony J. Workman, John Dempster, Michael A. Colman, Rachel C. Myles
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: The Journal of Physiology. 597:3619-3638
ISSN: 1469-7793
Popis: KEY POINTS Early-afterdepolarizations (EADs) are abnormal action potential oscillations and a known cause of cardiac arrhythmias. Ventricular EADs involve reactivation of a Ca2+ current (ICaL ) in its 'window region' voltage range. However, electrical mechanisms of atrial EADs, a potential cause of atrial fibrillation, are poorly understood. Atrial cells were obtained from consenting patients undergoing heart surgery, as well as from rabbits. ICaL was blocked with nifedipine and then a hybrid patch clamp/mathematical-modelling technique, 'dynamic clamping', was used to record action potentials at the same time as injecting an artificial, modifiable, ICaL (ICaL,D-C ). Progressively widening the ICaL,D-C window region produced EADs of various types, dependent on window width. EAD production was strongest upon moving the activation (vs. inactivation) side of the window. EADs were then induced by a different method: increasing ICaL,D-C amplitude and/or K+ channel-blockade (4-aminopyridine). Narrowing of the ICaL,D-C window by ∼10 mV abolished these EADs. Atrial ICaL window narrowing is worthy of further testing as a potential anti-atrial fibrillation drug mechanism. ABSTRACT Atrial early-afterdepolarizations (EADs) may contribute to atrial fibrillation (AF), perhaps involving reactivation of L-type Ca2+ current (ICaL ) in its window region voltage range. The present study aimed (i) to validate the dynamic clamp technique for modifying the ICaL contribution to atrial action potential (AP) waveform; (ii) to investigate the effects of widening the window ICaL on EAD-propensity; and (iii) to test whether EADs from increased ICaL and AP duration are supressed by narrowing the window ICaL . ICaL and APs were recorded from rabbit and human atrial myocytes by whole-cell-patch clamp. During AP recording, ICaL was inhibited (3 µm nifedipine) and replaced by a dynamic clamp model current, ICaL,D-C (tuned to native ICaL characteristics), computed in real-time (every 50 µs) based on myocyte membrane potential. ICaL,D-C -injection restored the nifedipine-suppressed AP plateau. Widening the window ICaL,D-C , symmetrically by stepwise simultaneous equal shifts of half-voltages (V0.5 ) of ICaL,D-C activation (negatively) and inactivation (positively), generated EADs (single, multiple or preceding repolarization failure) in a window width-dependent manner, as well as AP alternans. A stronger EAD-generating effect resulted from independently shifting activation V0.5 (asymmetrical widening) than inactivation V0.5 ; for example, a 15 mV activation shift produced EADs in nine of 17 (53%) human atrial myocytes vs. 0 of 18 from inactivation shift (P
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