Analysis and development of Weinberg converter with fault tolerant feature

Autor: Gowrishankara C K, V K Hariharan, Gaurav Yadav
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE).
DOI: 10.1109/pestse.2016.7516476
Popis: Space applications demand power converters of high reliability, fault tolerance, high power to volume and weight ratios. Weinberg converter is one such topology having these features built in. This topology can also be called as, coupled inductor fed push-pull converter. It provides continuous current at its output , which reduces the requirement of filter bank capacitors at the output stage. In this research article, isolated Weinberg converter working principle is explained with large signal and state space analysis. Also building of working breadboard model and its test results are dealt. The paper brings out the inherent fault tolerant feature of the Weinberg converter.
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