A Library of Fundamental Building Blocks for Experimental Control Software

Autor: Scarcia, Martin, Borghes, Roberto, Lonza, Marco, Manfredda, Michele, Mincigrucci, Riccardo, Pedersoli, Emanuele
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-icalepcs2019-mosh4001
Popis: In many experimental facilities there is a rising interest by users and beamline scientists to take part in the experiment control software development process. This necessity arises from the flexibility and adaptability of many beamlines, that can run very different experiments, requiring changes in the software even during beamtimes. On the other side, we still need a professional and controlled approach in order to be able to maintain the software efficiently. Our proposed solution is to exploit the object oriented nature of programming languages to create a library that provides a uniform interface both to the different controlled devices (e.g. motors) and to experimental procedures (e.g. scans). Every component and procedure can be represented as an object, a building block for experiment control scripts. We can thus provide the scientists with a powerful tool for implementing highly flexible control software to run experiments. Furthermore, a library makes the development of experiment control scripts easier and quicker for software developers. In any case we are able to protect the most sensitive structures (e.g. control systems) beneath a strong and trusted software layer.
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, ICALEPCS2019, New York, NY, USA
Databáze: OpenAIRE