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The free field partition function for a generic U ( N ) gauge theory, where the fundamental fields transform in the adjoint representation, is analysed in terms of symmetric polynomial techniques. It is shown by these means how this is related to the cycle polynomial for the symmetric group and how the large N result may be easily recovered. Higher order corrections for finite N are also discussed in terms of symmetric group characters. For finite N, the partition function involving a single bosonic fundamental field is recovered and explicit counting of multi-trace quarter BPS operators in free N = 4 super-Yang–Mills discussed, including a general result for large N. The partition function for quarter BPS operators in the chiral ring of N = 4 super-Yang–Mills is analysed in terms of plane partitions. Asymptotic counting of BPS primary operators with differing R-symmetry charges is discussed in both free N = 4 super-Yang–Mills and in the chiral ring. Also, general and explicit expressions are derived for SU ( 2 ) gauge theory partition functions, when the fundamental fields transform in the adjoint, for free field theory. |