Awakening Sleeping Languages in Saskatchewan with Culturally Appropriate Curricula and Technology

Autor: Marguerite Koole, Kevin wâsakâyâsiw Lewis, Belinda Daniels, Cheryle Herman
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Critical Mobile Pedagogy ISBN: 9780429261572
DOI: 10.4324/9780429261572-9
Popis: In Canada it is a time of reconciliation. So, while Indigenous languages in Canada are in decline, it is also a time for action and a time for hope. Language loss began with the era of the white settlers. It was exacerbated by the Indian Act (1876) and the introduction of the residential schools. As a result of the trauma, many residential school survivors either abandoned or avoided their ancestral languages. These sleeping languages require positive, sustainable, and culturally appropriate pedagogies for revitalization initiatives. We argue that technology can help to support language maintenance initiatives if implemented alongside culturally appropriate curricula. We offer suggestions for mobile applications that can complement language teaching strategies currently used by Indigenous groups in Canada and abroad.
Databáze: OpenAIRE