Application of nanotechnology toward improved production of sustainable bioenergy

Autor: N. Praveen, N.S. Alfia, V.L. Vasantha, S. Sharvari
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Biofuels have received increasing attention as an alternate fuel to replace fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable and produce greenhouse gases, which cause global warming and climatic changes. The rate at which fossil fuels are used greatly exceeds their replenishment and hence there is a need for alternative fuels such as bioethanol, biodiesel, biogasoline, and biogas. Biofuels, being environmental friendly and renewable fuel resources, have attracted extensive attention as the best alternative energy source. Nanotechnology finds its potential application in biofuel production for developing efficient catalysts. Enzymes have a significant role in the biomass conversion processes. Enzymes are used for the hydrolysis of complex sugars in agricultural wastes and vegetable wastes to simple fermentable sugar. Enzymes can also catalyze the transesterification of lipids for biodiesel. The activity of these enzymes, their half-life, and recovery of enzymes can be greatly increased using nanotechnology. Carbon metallic/nonmetallic nanoparticles provide a larger surface area for immobilization of enzymes. One of the advantages of using zinc/nickel/iron nanoparticles is that they can serve as cofactors for enzyme catalysis and biofuel production. Nanotechnology improves the process of production, yielding higher amounts of biofuels. Enzymes involved in biofuel production are immobilized on nanoparticles, nanofibers, and nanotubes. Magnetic nanoparticles are widely used in biogas production which is an anaerobic process facilitated by microbiota and the presence of these metal ions increases the activity of methanogenic bacteria for a higher yield with good substrate conversion efficiency. Nanotechnology is a successful tool for sustainable production of bioenergy. This chapter gives a detailed overview on various aspects such as the recent global scenario of biofuel and bioenergy, emphasizing the significant application of nanotechnology in providing solutions for bioenergy and biofuel production. Also, the chapter highlights the various enzymes involved in biofuel and bioenergy production, and their association with nanotechnology and safety issues.
Databáze: OpenAIRE