Euseius nyanzaensis Moraes, Zannou & Oliveira, sp. nov

Autor: De Moraes, G. J., Zannou, I. D., Oliveira, A. R., Yaninek, J. S., Hanna, R.
Rok vydání: 2006
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6262822
Popis: Euseius nyanzaensis Moraes, Zannou & Oliveira, sp. nov. (Fig. 22) DIAGNOSIS — This species is characterized by a combination of the following characteristics: short peritreme (not reaching z 2), Jv 1 inserted near anterior margin of ventrianal shield, Jv 4 present and macrosetae blunt on tibiae and with a tiny knob on genua. FEMALE — (1 specimen measured). Dorsum — Dorsal shield mostly smooth, striate along lateral margins anterior to S 2, 336 long and 216 wide. Setae j 1 26, j 3 18, j 4 13, j 5 13, j 6 11, J 2 11 J 5 5, z 2 16, z 4 16, z 5 13, Z 1 16, Z 4 16, Z 5 55, s 4 19, S 2 16, S 4 13, S 5 13, r 3 16, R 1 13. All setae smooth. Peritreme — Extending almost to z 2. Venter — Distances between St 1 –St 3 62, St 2 –St 2 62, St 5 –St 5 72. Ventrianal shield 112 long, 70 wide at level of Zv 2 and 67 wide at level of anus, with a pair of elliptical pores slightly posterior to Jv 2. One pair of metapodal shields; caudoventral setae smooth and sharp­tipped. Chelicera — Movable digit 27 long, apparently with 1 small tooth; fixed digit 25 long, apparently with 3 small teeth and a discernible pilus dentilis. Spermatheca — Calyx mostly slender, slightly bulged near atrium, flaring towards vesicle, 43 long; atrium distinct. Legs — Macrosetae blunt on tibiae and with a tiny knob on genua; Sge II 18, Sge III 26, Sti III 22, Sge IV 30, Sti IV 30, St IV 43. Chaetotaxy of genu III: 1­2 / 0,2 / 1 ­ 1. MALE — (1 specimen measured). Dorsum — Dorsal shield pattern as in female, 270 long and 185 wide. Setar j 1 20, j 3 23, j 4 10, j 5 10, j 6 10, J 2 10, J 5 5, z 2 15, z 4 15, z 5 10, Z 1 13, Z 4 15, Z 5 38, s 4 18, S 2 13, S 4 15, S 5 15, r 3 13, R 1 15. All setae smooth. Peritreme — Extending to level between z 2 and z 4. Venter — Ventrianal shield subtriangular, with transverse striae anteriorly; 115 long, 155 wide at the anterior corners; with 3 pairs of preanal setae, 2 pairs of lyrifissures, and a pair of small pores posterior to Jv 2. Spermatodactyl — Shaft 26 long. Legs — Macrosetae blunt on tibiae and with a tiny knob on genua; Sge II 13, Sge III 23, Sti III 18, Sge IV 28, Sti IV 23 and St IV 38. Chaetotaxy of genu III same as in female. LOCALITY AND TYPE MATERIAL — Holotype female and allotype male from unknown plant, 30 km W Yala, Nyanza Province, Kenya; 02­XII­ 1989; J.S. Yaninek, deposited at ESALQ­USP. ETYMOLOGY — The epithet nyanzaensis refers to the location where the types of this new species were collected. REMARKS — Euseius rhusi resembles this new species, but differs by having much longer peritreme (extending to level of j 1). Euseius distinctus is also similar to this species, but it lacks seta Jv 4 and has macrosetae of legs III and IV distinctly knobed.
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