Music to Mend Heartache: Song Choices to Match, Change, and Distract Mood

Autor: Rhiannon B. Kallis, Anna V. Ortiz Juarez-Paz
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: The Qualitative Report.
ISSN: 2160-3715
DOI: 10.46743/2160-3715/2017.2935
Popis: Romantic turmoil is something that most people experience in their life. When faced with an upsetting event, such as a breakup or fight with a partner, a person may turn to music to achieve a more desirable state of mind. The current study extended past research on music and coping by focusing specifically on a person’s use of music when they have emotional distress due to a romantic event. Ten interviews revealed the major theme “Music as a Tool,” regarding how people use music as social support. The first subtheme, Alliance with Mood, describes how participants used music as a tool to relate/identify and experience their current emotions. The second subtheme, Changing Mood, reveals how participants used music as tool to reframe their emotions and distract themselves. Because of the practical nature of this subject, media studies should continue to advance the literature on music and social support.
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