Electrostatic instabilities and nonlinear structures associated with field-aligned plasma flows and Cairns-Tsallis electrons in the ionosphere

Autor: S. Ali Shan, H. Saleem
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Astrophysics and Space Science. 362
ISSN: 1572-946X
Popis: Effects of non-Maxwellian electron densities on the low frequency electrostatic waves and instabilities are pointed out in a bi-ion plasma having field-aligned shear flow. Several different electron densities are used and formation of nonlinear stationary structures is investigated in different limits. Solutions of nonlinear equations are obtained in the form of KdV solitons and vortices and results are applied to terrestrial ionosphere. The deviation from Boltzmann density of the electrons enhances the linear shear flow-driven ion acoustic instability in the bi-ion plasma. But it plays destructive role in the formation of pulse type solitons.
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