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Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong 369-873, Korea.ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to investigate the difference of the content of soil chemical components and growthcharacteristics in five years old ginseng affected by application of manure in paddy-converted field. As all livestock manureregardless of kinds increased along with the whole soil chemical component, including the pH and EC in 2008. Change in theEC of control plot was slightly increased but not exceeded 1 ds/m over the years. However, the changes in the EC of livestockmanure regardless of kinds and amounts were highly increased and irregularly exceeded 1.5 ds/m in 2012. The 5 years oldginseng root fresh weight, treatment of fertilizing pig manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (PMC 4t on/10a) and fowl manurecompost 4 ton per 10 areas (FMC 4 ton/10a), were superior to the others. But there were no difference between PMC 4 ton/10a, FMC 4 ton/10a and control. The standing crop rate 39.6%, treatment of fertilizing cattle manure compost 4 ton per10 areas (CMC 4 ton/10a), was best in all livestock manure. However that was relatively lower than control. Physiologicaldisorder occurrence rates of livestock manure related with leaf and root of ginseng were also higher than that of control. Ifexcessively using non-decomposed livestock manure, It would be caused physiological disorder in many ways. It is a bigproblem to be producing the quality ginseng. More research is needed to find out the economic and effective fertilizer.Key Words : Korean Ginseng, Paddy-Converted Field, Livestock Manure, Physiological Disorder |