Enterococci and their role in perinatal pathology

Autor: Svetlana L’vovna Zatsiorskaya, Alevtina Savicheva, Kristina Al’bertovna Oganyan, Ol’ga Nikolaevna Arzhanova
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 64:48-54
ISSN: 1683-9366
DOI: 10.17816/jowd64548-54
Popis: Enterococcus are opportunistic bacteria and are members of the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. The prevalence of enterococcal infections in pregnant women is approximately 28 %. Enterococcus, colonizing the urogenital tract pregnant women mostly do not show pathogenic effect, however, it is known that they can lead to the development of such complications of pregnancy as threatened preterm labor, placental insufficiency, hypotrophy of the fetus. Of complications in childbirth most common in premature labor, untimely discharge of amniotic fluid, fetal hypoxia. According to the literature cause of neonatal bacteremia and sepsis in 10 % of cases are enterococcus. Thus, for the prevention of complications of pregnancy, delivery and perinatal outcomes in the allocation of Enterococcus urogenital tract to undergo antibacterial therapy, given the sensitivity to antibiotics.
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