Autor: N. I. Kolosnitsyn, E. P. Krivtsov, V. V. Andrushchuk, A. E. Sinel'nikov, V. P. Izmailov, O. V. Karagioz
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Measurement Techniques. 43:831-838
ISSN: 0543-1972
DOI: 10.1023/a:1007638922862
Popis: An experimental scheme is proposed for detecting new long-range forces by utilizing a spherical cavity excavated from a sphere and placing a fixed torsion balance within it. It is shown that for the optimal distance between the axes of rotation of the sphere, the cavity, and the torsion balance and for a spatial parameter λ ≈ 10–12 cm, the ultimate attainable sensitivity in the parameter α exceeds the present level by roughly a factor of 105.
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