Autor: Almagul Mergalimova, Abay Dostiyarov, Bulbul Ongar, Iliya Iliev, Dias Umyshev
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 2:68-73
ISSN: 2224-5278
Popis: The issues of combustion processes and the organization of the combustion workflow in diesel engines are relevant in view of the tightening of economic and environmental requirements for them. The problem of saving liquid fuels remains one of the most acute in the provision of fuel and energy resources. The development of highly efficient methods for organizing work processes when burning natural gas in a compressed or cryogenic state in the cylinders of internal combustion piston engines and determining ways to further reduce toxic emissions, increase fuel efficiency and reliability in promising gas engines is an urgent task. Mathematical modeling of liquid fuel combustion is a complex task, since it requires taking into account a large number of complex interrelated processes and phenomena. The article presents a simple 3-D model of cylinder diesel tractor engine D 144, the re- sults of numerical simulation of combustion of liquid and gaseous fuel in the cylinder of the diesel engine D-144. The article presents the results of modeling, including graphs of the dependence of nitrogen oxides, particles in outgoing gases, depending on the consumption of gaseous fuel in the form of pure methane. Additionally, tempe- rature and velocity contours are shown. The corresponding conclusions are made.
Databáze: OpenAIRE