Computational Intelligence Model for Code Generation from Natural Language Problem Statement

Autor: P. A. Bamhore, A. B. Kulkarni, Darshan Vishwasrao Medhane, S. S. Karandikar, S. R. Gawade
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA).
Popis: Computers have become an integral part of the scientific world. The real-life problems are dealt with an algorithmic approach. Algorithms being independent of programming language, they can be developed using any natural spoken language that a person is comfortable with. However, the problem lies in implementing it. The computational intelligence model proposed in this paper approaches such problem by carrying out mapping at Semantic level using Natural Language Processing and ontology and applying Ontology Matching techniques to derive an automatic translator of natural language problem statement into the artificial language (here Java). The intermediate steps of translation are processed by using corpus of English for developing some techniques for mapping linguistic constructs to programming structures. The modern NLP techniques can make possible the conversion of natural language statements to a programming language. Overall, this paper proposes a knowledge-based expert system which makes use of facts and rules to build the solution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE