SoK: Auditability and Accountability in Distributed Payment Systems

Autor: Panagiotis Chatzigiannis, Konstantinos Chalkias, Foteini Baldimtsi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Applied Cryptography and Network Security ISBN: 9783030783747
ACNS (2)
Popis: Enforcement of policy regulations and availability of auditing mechanisms are crucial building blocks for the adoption of distributed payment systems. In this work we review a number of existing proposals for distributed payment systems that offer some form of auditability for regulators. We identify two major distinct lines of work: payment systems that are not privacy-preserving such as Bitcoin, where regulation functionalities are typically tailored for organizations controlling many accounts, and privacy-preserving payment systems where regulation functionalities are typically targeted to user level. We provide a systematization methodology over several axes of characteristics and performance, while highlighting insights and research gaps that we have identified, such as lack of dispute-resolution solutions between the regulator and the entity under audit, and the incompatibility of ledger pruning or off-chain protocols with regulatory requirements. Based on our findings, we propose a number of exciting future research directions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE