Quality criteria catalogue for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht – Questionnaire for project managers

Autor: Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler, Pamela Bartar, Robert Brodschneider, Marika Cieslinski, Marlene Ernst, Steffen Fritz, Irmgard Greilhuber, Gerid Hager, Jennifer Hatlauf, Susanne Hecker, Thomas Hübner, Barbara Kieslinger, Peter Kraker, Thomas Krennert, Gerit Oberraufner, Katharina T. Paul, Brigitte Tiefenthaler, Michela Vignoli, Theresa Walter, Ronald Würflinger, Maria Zacharias, David Ziegler
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: In the course of one year the working group for quality criteria of the Citizen Science Network Austria developed a catalogue of criteria for citizen science projectson the platform Österreich forscht. From this catalogue questions were generated, which should help the project leaders of projects in Austria to fulfil the criteria. By answering the questions, important topics are addressed during the implementation of a project and can thus also be considered by the project management. On the other hand, the answers help potential project participants to make an informed decision about participation on the basis of the information presented.Project leaders receive this catalogue of questions and send the answers back to Österreich forscht. The platform coordinators read the answers, consult with the Working Group for Quality Criteria if necessary and contact the project leaders in case of ambiguities for clarification and possible assistance. The aim of this processis not to exclude individual projects, but to jointly ensure the quality of the citizen science characteristics of the projects and eventually even increase them. An open dialogue and exchange and a respectful interaction between all participants is the prerequisite for this.
Databáze: OpenAIRE