Проблеми недиференційованої терапії у хворих із синдромом гострої церебральної недостатності (аналітичний огляд). Частина 1

Autor: I.Z. Yakovtsov, V.V. Nikonov, O.L. Chernov, S.V. Kursov, I.B. Savytska, V.H. Poltoratskyi, V.M. Zahurovskyi
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 2307-1230
Popis: The review presents the problem of prevalence of the diseases that manifest by the development of acute cerebral insufficiency syndrome (ACIS), and the most common measures of emergency medical care (EMC), which can be used to save the lives of patients in the earliest period of emergency conditions to ensure neuroimaging. The analysis has been carried out in terms of the feasibility and effectiveness of remedial measures that must be used independently of the main causes of ACIS at the prehospital and early hospital stage according to the findings of modern researches and content of standardized protocols on providing EMD developed in the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine.
Databáze: OpenAIRE