$D \to P(��,K)$ helicity form factors within light-cone sum rule approach

Autor: Fu, Hai-Bing, Cheng, Wei, Zhou, Rui-Yu, Zeng, Long
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2002.11279
Popis: In this paper, the $D\to P(��, K)$ helicity form factors (HFFs) are studied by applying the QCD light-cone sum rule (LCSR) approach. The calculation accuracy is up to next-to-leading order (NLO) gluon radiation correction of twist-(2,3) distribution amplitude. The resultant HFFs at large recoil point are ${\cal P}_{t,0}^��(0) = 0.688^{+0.020}_{-0.024}$, ${\cal P}_{t,0}^K(0)=0.780^{+0.024}_{-0.029}$. In which, the contributions from three particles of the leading order (LO) are so small that can be safely neglected, and the maximal contribution of the NLO gluon radiation correction for ${\cal P}_{t,0}^{��,K}(0)$ is less than $3\%$. After extrapolating the LCSR predictions for these HFFs to whole $q^2$-region, we obtain the decay widths for semileptonic decay processes $D\to P\ell��_\ell$, which are consistent with BES-III collaboration predictions within errors. After considering the $D^{+}/D^{0}$-meson lifetime, we give the branching fractions of $D\to P\ell��_\ell$ with $\ell = e, ��$, our predictions also agree with BES-III collaboration within errors, especially for $D\to ��\ell��_\ell$ decay process. Finally, we present the forward-backward asymmetry ${\cal A}_{\rm FB}^\ell(q^2)$ and lepton convexity parameter ${\cal C}_F^\ell(q^2)$, and further calculate the mean value of these two observations $\langle{\cal A}_{\rm FB}^\ell\rangle$ and $\langle{\cal C}_F^\ell\rangle$, which may provide a way to test those HFFs in future experiments.
10 pages, 13 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE