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The applicability of the shadow background method for registering non-spherical shock waves is demonstrated. In contrast with measuring using pressure indicators, the shadow background method makes it possible to obtain 2D pictures of shock wave propagation. The method requires the presence of a simplest background (grass, sand, wood), a camcorder and a computer. A shock wave is caused by an explosive charge of a cylindrical form. To visualize the shock wave, the illumination produced by the explosion of the charge is registered. A series of successive pictures of the explosion process is obtained. Based on their analysis, curves of excessive pressure along the shock wave front as a function of time are constructed. The visualization shows inhomogeneous distribution of the shock wave. The inhomogeneity of the excessive pressure along the shock wave front decreases as the wave propagates on. It is demonstrated that, based on the results of visualization of the shock wave, it is possible to determine the explosion center in the registration plane. The authors believe that the use of multi-aspect video-registration will make it possible to obtain 3D pictures of shock wave propagation and to determine explosion center coordinates in space. Keywords: shadow background method, explosion, shock wave, rapid video-registration. |