Assessment of Monophyly of the Minnow GenusPteronotropis(Teleostei: Cyprinidae)

Autor: Richard L. Mayden, Andrew M. Simons, K. Emily Knott
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Copeia. 2000:1068-1075
ISSN: 1938-5110
Popis: The North American cyprinid genus Pteronotropis contains five species distributed in streams and swamps of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain. The genus is currently recognized even though previous explicitly phylogenetic analyses have not supported the monophyly of this group. Of particular interest is the relationship between Pteronotropis welaka and Pteronotropis hubbsi, both of which are nest associates with centrarchids. Although these species are morphologically similar, there is limited support for a sister-group relationship between them. We performed phylogenetic analyses of all five species currently recognized in Pteronotropis and five outgroup taxa based on nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene using both parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses. Pteronotropis hypselopterus and Pteronotropis euryzonus were consistently resolved as sister taxa, as were, P. welaka and P. hubbsi. Pteronotropis signipinnis was sister to the P. welaka plus P. hubbsi clade in likelih...
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