Effect of Greenhouse Gas Concentration on Solar Photovoltaic Performance

Autor: Ullash Kumar Rout, Sarat Chandra Swain, Bhabani Patnaik
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Remote Sensing (ICICRS).
Popis: The need for new technology towards the innovation of a hybrid system for the production of electric energy is very necessary for today’s growing population. Because of an increasing population there is a change in weather condition which is affecting the renewable energy sources. Nowadays solar PV technology is a great source of energy production. But due to the effect of different environmental factors, there are some changes in the efficiency of the solar PV panel. A Photovoltaic module efficiency mainly depends on the ambient temperature, module temperature, incoming solar radiation intensity, and photovoltaic material composition. So these terms are affected by some environmental factors. So to know how the solar panel efficiency is affected by greenhouse gas I have conducted an experiment by taking two panels. One in normal atmosphere and another in GHG (CH4) chamber. It shows that with an increase in temperature of that chamber, there is a decrease in efficiency of solar PV.
Databáze: OpenAIRE