Tentative Correlation of the Permian Formations of the Southern Great Plains

Autor: Charles N. Gould, Robin Willis
Rok vydání: 1927
Zdroj: Geological Society of America Bulletin. 38:431-442
ISSN: 1943-2674
Popis: Introduction The Permian rocks of the Great Plains region of North America occupy parts of the following States: Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming. This paper is concerned only with the occurrence of the Permian in the first four States named. The map (figure 1) shows the approximate areas occupied by these rocks. It will be noted that Permian rocks are exposed on the surface in central and southwestern Kansas, western Oklahoma, in certain parts of western Texas, and in eastern New Mexico. The Permian occurs subsurface throughout much of western Kansas, a small part of western Oklahoma, throughout practically all of the Panhandle and trans-Pecos Texas, and most of that part of New Mexico lying east of the Pecos River. For more than fifty years geologists have studied the Permian formations exposed on the surface in these States. Of the scores of workers only a very . . .
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