Temperature Dependences of the Quantum-Mechanical and Semi-Classical Spectral-Line Widths and the Separation of the Impact and Non-Impact Regions for an Ar-Perturbed/K-Radiator System

Autor: W. C. Kreye
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: International Journal of Spectroscopy. 2010:1-6
ISSN: 1687-9457
Popis: Quantum-mechanical and semi-classical spectral-line shapes are computed at 𝑇=400, 800, and 1000 K for the line core of the 5802 Å line of the Ar-Perturbed/K-Radiator system. HWHMs (𝑤's) are measured from computed full spectral-line shapes. The final-state pseudopotential is for the 7𝑠2𝑆1/2 state, and the initial-state potential is for the 4𝑝2𝑃3/2,3/2 state. Three high-pressure (P) log(𝑤)—versus—log(𝑃) curves, corresponding to the non-impact region, intersect a similar set of low-P, impact-region curves at intersections, 𝑃0's. Similarly, for two sets of log(𝑤)—versus—log(𝑛) curves, which yield intersections, 𝑛0's, where 𝑛 is the perturber density. These 𝑛0's and 𝑝0's separate the two regions and represent the upper limits of the impact regions. A specific validity condition for the impact region is given by the equation 𝑛≤𝑛0. From an earlier spectroscopic, Fabry-Perot paper, 𝑤expt=0.021 cm−1 at 𝑇=400 K and 𝑃=10 torr. Two theoretical values, 𝑤theor=0.025 and 0.062 cm−1 corresponding to two different pseudo-potentials, are reported. Two 𝑇-dependent figures are given, in which the first shows an increase in the impact region with 𝑇, based on 𝑃 as the basic parameter, and the second which shows a decrease in the impact region with 𝑇, based on 𝑛 as the basic parameter.
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