Autofluorescence-based real time diagnosis for selective resection of tumors in neurosurgery

Autor: Mauro Ceroni, Sabina Fiorani, Rosanna Nano, Ermanno Giombelli, Flavio Tancioni, E. Benericetti, Giovanni Bottiroli, Donata Locatelli, Anna Cleta Croce
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Biomedical Topical Meeting.
DOI: 10.1364/bio.2002.tuc6
Popis: Autofluorescence ex vivo and in vivo spectroscopy characterization of normal and tumor tissues of the brain and cranial nerves evidences differences in emission properties, providing a potential tool for real-time diagnostic purposes, during neurosurgical operation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE