Reliable Research Methods in Studies of the Value System and Life-Orientations of Futures Pedagogues. Theoretical Basis and Comparative Analysis

Autor: Ihor Halian
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, sectio J, Paedagogia-Psychologia. 28:7
ISSN: 0867-2040
DOI: 10.17951/j.2015.28.2.7
Popis: The article investigates the issue of methodical approaches to the research of the value-semantic sphere of the personality. It is noted that the choice of research methods is made on the basis of the analysis of methodical approaches which are used in the sphere of planning, organizing and conducting empirical research of values and meaning of life and phenomena close to them. On the basis of certain criteria there appear some approaches which can be applied to an empirical study of the level of development of the value-semantic sphere of future teachers. The author marks a fundamental difference and similarity between the peculiarities of using experimental, psychometric, projective, psycho-semantic, phenomenological, narrative and biographical methodical approaches. Based on the presented theoretical considerations it is concluded that the desire to synthesize different approaches creates a combined qualitative and quantitative approach to the empirical study of the value-semantic sphere where drawbacks of some methodical approaches are balanced with benefits of others.
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