Assessment of a Website Aimed at Providing Information on Mental Health to Secondary School Students in Cantho City, Vietnam

Autor: Dat Tan Nguyen, Tam Thi Pham, E. Pamela Wright, Joske Bunders
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Background: The stigmatization of mental health problems is a primary barrier for young people to approach mental health services when they suspect they might have a problem. Instead it is becoming common, especially for youth, to look for information on the Internet. This study explored the responses of secondary school students in Cantho city to the website, which aimed to provide information on health and mental health, and to assess its potential relevance, appeal, accessibility, usefulness, and sustainability. Methods: A cross-sectional study included 643 secondary school students in Cantho city selected by cluster sampling. Students were introduced to the website; after two weeks they were invited to evaluate it using an anonymous questionnaire. The Chi-squared test was used to assess the significance of differences in the distribution of selected sociodemographic characteristics.Results: Most (98.6%) of the students visited the website in the two-week period, 74% once or twice a week, the others more often, up to once a day. Their activities included reading information (85.8%), seeking help (17.7%), sharing information (15.5%), giving advice to others (11.0%), and chatting or giving comments (9.8%). Most students rated the website very highly in terms of appeal, relevance, accessibility, and usefulness, and wanted to have access to the website in the future. These findings are positive signals to pursue the application of a website on mental health for secondary school students as a contribution to better mental health for adolescents in Cantho city and elsewhere.Conclusion: A website designed to provide information to secondary school students appeared to be an effective way to provide access to information on the sensitive topic of mental health. The website should be maintained and introduced more widely to students, teachers and parents, with a continuous evaluation of its effectiveness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE