Späte bedrohliche Komplikation nach blande abgelaufener Varizellen-Infektion - transienter kompletter AV-Block (Fallbericht)

Autor: Sperling P, Lange Pe, G Senft, J. H. Nürnberg
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Klinische Pädiatrie. 214:113-116
ISSN: 1439-3824
Popis: A 9 year old boy presented with uncharacteristic gastroenteric complaints due to a complete heart block 9 days after an uneventful varicella infection. Echocardiographically there were no signs of gross myocardial involvement. Bradydysrhythmia necessitated isoproterenol application however without the need for temporary transvenous cardiac pacing. After a short period of second-degree atrioventricular block and transient left bundle branch block the rhythm recovered completely and sinus rhythm is maintained so far. Worrying is the delayed onset of this complication after an uneventful course of a typically undangerous children's disease. Presumably a remaining inflammatory reaction in different parts of the specific conducting system has to be assumed. The long lasting prognosis of the atrioventricular conduction properties remains to be seen.
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