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The spatial distribution of odonates (dragonflies and damselflies) in northern New Mexico is only partly known. Information about the occurrence of species is currently being accumulated by professional and amateur biologists. Los Alamos National Laboratory has a considerable amount of suitable habitat for odonates. With effort, it is likely that many species will be discovered in Los Alamos County that have yet to be documented, which would aid in general knowledge about odonate distribution and habitat needs. We report the occurrence of three species of odonates at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the autumn season of 2015. Foy visited the location on 2 September 2015 and discovered two Black Meadowhawk dragonflies (Sympetrum danae). The authors returned on 10 September 2015 and photographed one individual. We also photographed a Striped Meadowhawk (Sympetrum pallipes) and a Black-fronted Forktail (Ischnura denticollis), the latter being a damselfly. |