Zur Bedeutung von Übergangsobjekten als Trennungshilfe für Kinder in Kinderkrippen und Kindergärten

Autor: Funder Antonia
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie. 34:432-459
ISSN: 2196-8330
DOI: 10.13109/zind.2009.34.4.432
Popis: Summary On the importance of transitional objects in the process of separation in kindergarten and nursery school. One of the many experiences that children make when they start nursery school or kindergarten is that they have to separate from their parents and be without them for a period of time. This paper looks at what this separation means for the children, what feelings, neediness and fears they might feel. The author focuses on Winnicott’s concept of transitional objects and shows why these objects can be helpful for children in kindergarten and nursery school. Taking these thoughts as a starting point, the author looks at how transitional objects are viewed in the scientific literature on kindergarten and nursery school; to what extent are these objects seen to be helpful to children in their process of separation? As examples, excerpts from observation recordings in the Viennese Kindergarten Project, which follows the Tavistock model of observation, are presented.
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