The theory of the continuous wavelet transform in the interpretation of potential fields: a review

Autor: Dominique Gibert, Pascal Sailhac, H. Boukerbout
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Geophysical Prospecting. 57:517-525
ISSN: 1365-2478
Popis: We consider the use of the continuous wavelet transform in the interpretation of potential field data. We report its development since the publication of the first paper by Moreau et al. in 1997. Basically, it consists in the interpretation in the upward continued domain since dilation of the wavelet transform is the upward continuation altitude. Thus within a range of altitudes, the wavelet transform of the noise is decreased faster than the wavelet transform of the potential field caused by underground sources; this means that the signal-to-noise ratio is much better than those involved in other enhancing methods (e.g., Euler deconvolution, gradient analysis, or the analytic signals). Similarly to the Euler deconvolution, its first target parameters were the source positions and shape. The method has then been developed to estimate size and directions of extended sources (e.g., faults and dikes of finite dimensions) and also the magnetization direction in the case of magnetic data. Latest developments show that when combined with a Radon transform, the continuous wavelet transform can help in the automatic detection of elongated structures in 3D, simultaneously to the estimation of their strike direction, shape and depth. Several applications to real case studies have been shown before; however for clarity’s sake in the present paper, only synthetic cases have been reproduced to clearly sum up the development of the methodology.
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