Optical and magneto-optical differential spectroscopy of a ZnCdSe-ZnSe superlattice

Autor: M. Averous, Roger Aulombard, A. Abounadi, D. Coquillat, J. Calas, A. Rajira, Thierry Cloitre
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Materials Science and Engineering: B. 43:129-132
ISSN: 0921-5107
Popis: We report on optical and magneto-optical studies of a ZnCdSe-ZnSe strained layer superlattice. This structure was grown by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and consisted of 40 periods of 72 A ZnCdSe layer and 49 A ZnSe layer with cadmium composition equal to 4%. Photoluminescence, reflectivity and magnetocircular dichroism experiments at 2 K were used to identify e 1 -hh 1 and e 1 -lh 1 excitonic transitions. By comparing these experimental transitions with the calculated ones, we have determined the valence and the conduction band offsets. In these calculations, we have included values of the binding energies related to the different transitions. These binding energies are calculated within the formalism of fractional dimensional space. Zeeman splitting of ¦ ± 3/2, ± 1/2〉 and ¦ ± 1/2, ∓1/2〉 transitions are calculated at 5.5 T and the corresponding effective g -values g 3/2 and g 1/2 are deduced.
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