The influence of social role information on double standards in gender rules

Autor: Sczesny, Sabine, Xiao, Hualin, Nater, Christa
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: The current study investigates whether social role information affects people's double standards in prescriptive (what men and women should be) and proscriptive (what men and women should not be) gender rules. Former research by Rudman and colleagues (2012) found that prescriptive and proscriptive gender rules are aligned with social status. Specifically, their findings indicate that U.S. respondents endorse a clear set of gender rules for men, thinking men should be high in status and cannot be low in status, whereas gender rules for women are less closely tied to social status. Further, a large-scale study across 62 nations documented a double standard in gender rules such that people more strongly endorsed prescriptive (“shoulds”) and proscriptive (“should nots”) gender rules for men than for women (Bosson et al., 2022). However, whether gender rules are influenced by the social roles men and women take on or not remains unknown. It has been shown that social role information can override the influence of descriptive gender stereotypes on person perceptions. That is, regardless of gender, women and men in female-dominated occupations were perceived as similarly communal and women and men in male-dominated occupations were perceived as similarly agentic (Bosak et al., 2012; Gustafsson Sendén et al., 2020). Extending previous findings on the alignment of gender rules and social status, here we examine if prescriptive and proscriptive gender rules are also dependent on social role information.
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