Physical Process Cruise 2018

Autor: Eivind Kolås, Martin Ludvigsen, Trygve Olav Fossum, Ben Lincoln, Frank Nilsen, Ragnheid Skogseth, Jean Rabault, Aleksander D Libæk, Marika Marnela, Lars Robert Hole, Eva Falck, Andrew Siedl, Petter Norgren, Inga B Utkilen, Inger Lise Næss, Anthony Bosse, Ilker Fer, Malte Müller, Zoé Koenig
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: The Nansen Legacy Report Series.
ISSN: 2703-7525
Popis: The cruise KH 2018-709 aboard the Research Vessel Kronprins Haakon was the second process cruise of the project the Nansen Legacy. The cruise contributed to task T1-2, on process studies to investigate the atmospheric, oceanographic, radiative and other physical controls on sea ice and stratification, with a general aim to identify and quantify the processes that control the heat budget north of Svalbard and in the Barents Sea. The cruise aimed to deploy oceanographic moorings and gliders, an AUV, a remotely piloted unmanned aircraft, controlled meteorological balloons, collect underway measurements from ship-mounted ocean current profilers, wind profilers, radiometer and wave sensors, and collect ocean stratification, currents, and microstructure profiles along selected transects across the north Spitsbergen shelf and slope. Additionally, wave sensors were deployed at ice floes from ice edge into pack ice. This report provides an overview of the methods employed and the data collected.
Databáze: OpenAIRE