O abcesso pélvico do fundo de saco de Douglas após as apendicectomias

Autor: Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini
Rok vydání: 1940
Zdroj: Revista de Medicina. 24:30-55
ISSN: 1679-9836
Popis: The author studies the exsudats and abcess of the cul sac of Douglas after the appendicectomies. He separates the cases following the suppurative and the cronic appendicitis; the are done by the drainage of pus from the right iliac region to the cul of sac. In the cronic cases he gives importance to the intraperitoneal hemorrhage in the pathogeny of the abcess. In the symptomatology he calls attention to the disenterylike evacuations and relaxation of the anus sphicteres and describes its physiopathogeny. He points out the possibility of an opening in the surrounding organs like the bladder and the peritoneal cavity and to avoid these grave complications he proposes that a surgical openning be made through the retum, as long as the abcess be completely formed. He refutes the objections made to the retal way by the authors who prefer the supra-pubic incisions. He describes 7 cases: 3 after supp. acute appendicitis; 2 after acute appendicitis e 2 after appendicectomie for cronic cases.
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