La sabidur��a de los ancianos ind��genas amaz��nicos y el comando matico frente al COVID19
Autor: | Vilcapoma, Jos�� Carlos |
Jazyk: | Spanish; Castilian |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.25965/trahs.4015 |
Popis: | En el Per�� la diversidad cultural, conceptuada como riqueza, se puso en tela de juicio con esta pandemia. Nos hinc�� de rodillas y hubo imposibilidad de llegar a los confines donde estaban los pueblos ind��genas amaz��nicos.Desde antrop��logos hasta altos funcionarios de sanidad, en un principio, no supieron c��mo enfrentar esta nueva situaci��n. Dos eran los obst��culos: la lejan��a de los pueblos ind��genas y su diversa cosmovisi��n (actitud sobre la vida y la muerte). Si no se sab��a c��mo enfrentar el mal, menos se sab��a llegar a los pueblos ind��genas, y enfrentar la diversidad comportamental.La muerte golpe�� a estos pueblos; mientras los funcionarios acomodaban sus discursos y organizaban brigadas para ir a estos pueblos, surgi�� por iniciativa de los propios ind��genas, en Yarinacocha, en la provincia de Coronel Portillo, pueblo de Shipibos y Conibos, el ���Comando Matico���. La sabidur��a de los ancianos tomaba forma de brigada de emergencia, itinerante, de f��cil movilidad y reivindicaba las bondades de una planta: el matico.Durante la primera ola de la pandemia, este Comando se constituy�� como grupos de especialistas, atendiendo a m��s de mil personas. Lo importante del proceso es que no se radicalizaron solo con la medicina tradicional, sino que la combinaron con farmacopea cl��nica.El presente art��culo trata del proceso en que se constituy�� dicho Comando, el papel de los adultos mayores y la sabidur��a ancestral de aquellos, para la atenci��n de los pacientes. Finalmente, la apreciaci��n que la poblaci��n, la academia y el Estado tienen sobre esta sui g��neris experiencia. El Centro Nacional de Salud Intercultural del Ministerio de Salud de Per��, ha prestado la atenci��n para analizar los componentes de la planta, as�� como el m��todo de tratamiento de los males Covid 19 en los pueblos ind��genas de la Amazonia. In Peru, cultural diversity, conceptualized as wealth, was put into question with this pandemic. It brought us to our knees and it was impossible to reach the confines of the Amazonian indigenous peoples.From anthropologists to senior health officials, at first, they did not know how to face this new situation. There were two obstacules: the remoteness of the indigenous peoples and their diverse worldview (attitude towards life and death). If you did not know how to confront evil, you did not know how to reach indigenous peoples, and confront behavioral diversity.Death struck these towns: while the officials arranged their speeches and organized brigades to go to these towns, the ���Comando Matico��� arose at the iniciative of the indigenous people themselves, in Yarinacocha, in the province of Coronel Portillo, town of Shipibos and Conibos. The wisdom of the elderly took the form of an emergency brigade, itinerant, easily mobile and claimed the benefits of a plant: the matico.During the first wave of the pandemic, this Command that was constituted as groups of specialits who have served more than a thousand people. The important thing about the process is that they were not radicalized only with traditional medicine, but combined with clinical pharmacopea.This presentation deals with the process in which this Command was established, the role of the elderly and their ancestral wisdom, for the care of patients. Finally, the appreciation that the population, the academy and the State have about this sui generis experience. The National Center for Intercultural Health of the Ministry of Health of Peru, has paid attention to analyze the components of the plant, as well as the method of treatment of Covid 19 ills in the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Trayectorias Humanas Trascontinentales, N�� 11 | 2021 |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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