
Autor: Amin Y. Noaman, Ebtesam Alomari
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: With the advent of cloud computing, the interest of moving the databases from local to remote cloud servers have been increasing. Despite this popularity, data security becomes a major challenge in the way of adopting these Cloud services. Moreover, the heterogeneity and variety of the existing NoSQL DBs that are different from relational database represent one of the main obstacles. Consequently, it prevents designing one solution that can fit different data models. In this paper, we focus on the security of the cloud database as a service (DBaaS) environments. Due to the lack of a unified solution to enhance the security of both SQL and heterogeneous NoSQL cloud databases, we propose a framework for secure cloud Databases, SeCloudDB. We provide a standardized API to support encrypting the data before storing them in the cloud databases. Further-more, our framework is equipped with tools that support generating the encryption keys, storing the metadata and securely control the access policies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE