Uncertainty quantification of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for material property and single crystal orientation estimation on a complex part

Autor: John C. Aldrin, Siamack Mazdiyasni, Eric Biedermann, Alexander Mayes, Brent Goodlet, Julieanne Heffernan, Richard Livings, Leanne Jauriqui
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: A case study is presented evaluating uncertainty in Resonance Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) inversion for a single crystal (SX) Ni-based superalloy Mar-M247 cylindrical dog-bone specimens. A number of surrogate models were developed with FEM model solutions, using different sampling schemes (regular grid, Monte Carlo sampling, Latin Hyper-cube sampling) and model approaches, N-dimensional cubic spline interpolation and Kriging. Repeated studies were used to quantify the well-posedness of the inversion problem, and the uncertainty was assessed in material property and crystallographic orientation estimates given typical geometric dimension variability in aerospace components. Surrogate model quality was found to be an important factor in inversion results when the model more closely represents the test data. One important discovery was when the model matches well with test data, a Kriging surrogate model using un-sorted Latin Hypercube sampled data performed as well as the best results from an N-dimensional interpolation model using sorted data. However, both surrogate model quality and mode sorting were found to be less critical when inverting properties from either experimental data or simulated test cases with uncontrolled geometric variation.
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