Preventive Strategies for Reduction of Occupational Exposure of Free Crystalline Silica Dust in Steel Foundry and Stone Crusher Unit

Autor: Samir Kumar Paine, Amalendu Samanta, Subhashis Sahu, Nitis Chandra Saha
Rok vydání: 2020
ISSN: 0367-8350
Popis: Mineral extraction operations are characterized by large quantities of dust emission in the environment. Persons who are working in such environments are potentially exposed to the harmful effects of respirable mineral dust, such as impaired lung function. This study investigated the prevalence and correlated the lung function impairment and dust concentrations with different preventive measures followed in the steel foundry as well as stone crusher workers in West Bengal, an eastern part of India. This cross-sectional study was conducted on steel foundry workers and also workers employed in stone crushing units. Both types of workers are exposed to free crystalline silica dust in their workplaces. To assess the effectiveness of control measures of dust, the lung function impairment was correlated with types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used by them. The results were analyzed using statistical tools, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Chi-square test to evaluate the significance level. The PPEs used by them were not proper , so it did not prevent lung function impairment For the reduction of airborne dust concentration levels at the stated workplaces, a sprinkling of water was applied. Before and after the sprinkling of water, dust concentration was measured using the NIOSH method-7601 and 7602 (CDC, 2005). The concentration of dust level before and after the application of water sprinkling was found to be statistically significant by using a t-test (α
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