Wilton Ripples in Weakly Nonlinear Models of Water Waves: Existence and Computation

Autor: Benjamin F. Akers, David P. Nicholls
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Water Waves. 3:491-511
ISSN: 2523-3688
DOI: 10.1007/s42286-021-00052-2
Popis: In this contribution, we prove that small amplitude, resonant harmonic, spatially periodic traveling waves (Wilton ripples) exist in a family of weakly nonlinear PDEs which model water waves. The proof is inspired by that of Reeder and Shinbrot (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 77:321–347, 1981) and complements the authors’ recent, independent result proven by a perturbative technique (Akers and Nicholls 2021). The method is based on a Banach Fixed Point Iteration and, in addition to proving that this iteration has Wilton ripples as a fixed point, we use it as a numerical method for simulating these solutions. The output of this numerical scheme and its performance are evaluated against a quasi-Newton iteration.
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