Some Comments on Fisher's α Index of Diversity and on the Kazwini Cosmography

Autor: Oskar Maria Baksalary, George P. H. Styan, Ka Lok Chu, Simo Puntanen
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Statistical Inference, Econometric Analysis and Matrix Algebra ISBN: 9783790821208
Popis: Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is “the variety of life on our planet, measurable as the variety within species, between species, and the variety of ecosystems” [12, 41] and the most widely applied index of biodiversity is surely Fisher's α, defined implicitly by S = αloge{1+(n/α)}, where n is the number of individuals and S is the number of species. This index αwas first proposed over 60 years ago by R. A. Fisher in a three-part joint paper with A. Steven Corbet and C. B. Williams [14]. We also present some comments on the diversity of the paintings by Johannes Vermeer (1632–1675) depicted on postage stamps updating our findings in [3]. The earliest study of biodiversity seems to be that reported in the Kazwini Cosmography c. 1283; this study involved 72 different kinds of papillons that were collected in what we believe was Baghdad in c. 900 AD. We also found some magic squares in the Kazwini Cosmography. Our list of references is annotated and contains hyperlinks to open-access and restricted-access files on the internet.
Databáze: OpenAIRE