Pulse-Detonation Hydrojet

Autor: F. S. Frolov, K. A. Avdeev, V. S. Aksenov, R. R. Tukhvatullina, S. M. Frolov, I. A. Sadykov, Igor O. Shamshin
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Scientific-Practical Conference "Research and Development-2016" ISBN: 9783319628691
Popis: Geometrical configuration and operational parameters of a valveless pulse-detonation hydrojet have been determined based on extensive numerical simulations using 2D two-phase flow equations. The theoretical propulsive performance of such a hydrojet in terms of the specific impulse was shown to be on the level of modern liquid propellant rocket engines and amount 350–400 s. Based on the results of numerical simulation a valveless pulse-detonation hydrojet operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuel (regular gasoline) and gaseous oxygen has been designed and fabricated. For firing the hydrojet, a special test rig with flowing water was designed and assembled. Experiments showed that the measured values of the specific impulse varied within the range from 255 to 370 s which overlaps the theoretical range, thus demonstrating the predictive capabilities of the numerical approach.
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