Oak Ridge National Laboratory implementation plan for DOE Order 5820. 2A

Autor: C.M. Kendrick, J.S. Baldwin, T.E. Myrick, L.D. Bates
Rok vydání: 1989
Popis: This Plan addresses all applicable requirements pertaining to waste management activities affecting transuranic (TRU) and solid low-level waste (SLLW) and the decommissioning of radioactively contaminated facilities. The emphasis of this plan is on partial compliance or noncompliance and the schedules and costs of activities necessary to achieve full compliance with the requirements of the Order. The plan does not include compliance evaluation or cost and schedule estimates for activities affecting liquid, gaseous, hazardous or mixed waste. This plan is organized into six sections and a supporting appendix. The first section provides basic information about the ORNL and the principle organizations involved in waste management activities. The following sections address requirements related to high-level, TRU, low-level waste (LLW), naturally occurring and accelerator-produced radioactive material (NARM), and the decommissioning of radioactively contaminated facilities. Since ORNL produces no high-level wastes, this section of the report simply indicates that the Order requirements are not applicable. Because very small quantities of NARM waste are generated at ORNL, this type of waste is managed as LLW. An Implementation Summary Table is provided following each of the remaining sections. In each table, partial compliance and noncompliance, schedules, and costs for achieving compliance are summarized in an abbreviatedmore » form. In many instances, the schedules and costs for achieving full compliance are not well known. Best estimates are provided when deemed appropriate. The Implementation Summary Tables will be updated and submitted annually, as required by the Order, in the ORNL Waste Management Plan. The Appendix, which contains the documentation required by the Order, will be updated annually and included as an appendix in the ORNL Waste Management Plan. 6 figs., 7 tabs.« less
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