Binding of lead and copper(II) ions to starch and amylose 2,3-dicarboxy derivatives

Autor: Rudolf Kohn, Karol Tihlárik
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications. 51:1160-1169
ISSN: 1212-6950
Popis: The binding of Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions to starch and amylose 2,3-dicarboxy derivatives of degrees of oxidation DO = 0.09-0.74 was investigated. The interaction of the metal cations with the carboxy groups of the derivatives was evaluated in terms of the counter-ion activity, determined with ion specific electrodes. The binding is very strong; at DO ≥ 0.34, lead ions are bound quantitatively ( degree of association β = 0.999), copper ions are also bound to a great extent (β = 0.94-0.97). The complexation of copper with the ligands at ionic strength I = 0.15 mol 1-1 was treated in terms of multiple equilibria theory. Different complexes were found in dependence on the concentration ratios of the reactants; at a high excess of COO- groups with respect to Cu2+ ions, the latter are strongly bound and the number of COO- groups binding a Cu2+ cation is greater than 2, whereas at a sufficiently high concentration of Cu2+ ions the number of COO- groups binding a Cu2+ cation approaches the stoichiometric value of 2.
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